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Weekly development update as of 2022-09-16

Weekly development update as of 2022-09-16


This week, the node, ledger, and consensus teams continued preparing for the Vasil upgrade.

The PreProduction environment will hard fork on the 19th, before the mainnet hard fork on the 22nd.

The new node v.1.35.3 currently mints over 95% of SPO blocks, with the leading DApp projects also on track for the upgrade. Exchange liquidity is around 55% and good progress continues to be made toward the targeted 80%.

Track the latest status of these metrics through this ecosystem readiness page.


This week, the Daedalus team tested the new Trezor firmware. The team is adding more decimals in the sync message while syncing the blockchain.

Development work is ongoing on the Lace desktop features. The Lace team is finalizing a proof of concept where cardano-wallet generates a typed API for Typescript from Haskell. Since lace-desktop supports multiaddress, the team has implemented an address rotation with unused addresses on the Receive page.

The Adrestia team kept working to get cardano-js-sdk ready for production. They're also working on the implementation of multisig (shared wallets) and "light" mode features in cardano-wallet.


The Plutus team continues to work on documentation improvements, Hackage improvements, API improvements, and further testing.

The team also continues to add Babbage era support, adding test cases for the constraints library, and fully committing to cardano-ledger validation rules in the emulator.

The Marlowe team tested Marlowe’s Plutus validators in a mock testing environment and implemented a coin-selection and transaction-balancing algorithm for Marlowe.

The team also merged updates from the Marlowe Cookbook into the main branch and ran marlowe-cli/ in the Babbage era’s public testnet.

Finally, the Marlowe team added FundWallet, AutoExecute, and Mint commands to the testing DSL, while also tailoring the Template command.


This week, the Hydra team worked on setting up a long-lived network of Hydra nodes with a Hydra collaborative application that runs on top of the network. This experiment led to the team addressing a known issue, namely that conflicting transactions could put each node into a livelock.


Project Catalyst continues to accept votes on over 1,000 proposals in Fund9. Voting closes this coming Monday (19/09) at 15:00 UTC.

If you are registered to vote make sure you participate. Voter rewards are available to every wallet that casts a vote!

Over the past few months, the team has been quietly building delegation features - enabling ada holders to delegate their voting power to Delegated Representatives (dReps) who would vote on the community’s behalf. For some of you, it’s not been so quiet. IOG has held four workshops across two time zones for the first cohort of dReps - taking feedback and engaging with those seeking to be the first dReps in Project Catalyst. There are over 200 candidates in the first cohort who are paving the way for a successful first delegation iteration in Fund10.

In Fund10, all ada holders will be able to delegate their voting power (with no minimum ada holding requirements) to their chosen dReps. If you’d like to review the workshop material, Quality Assurance DAO (QA-DAO) have published all the documentation and workshop recordings here.

a Japanese language graphic showing weekly development updates on Cardano













Marloweチームは、模擬のテスト環境でMarloweのPlutusバリデーターをテストし、 Marloweのcoin-selectionおよびtransaction-balancingアルゴリズムを実装しました。

Marlowe Cookbookの更新をメインブランチにマージし、Babbage期のパブリックテストネットでmarlowe-cli/ を実行しました。


Basho( スケーリング)



Project Catalystは引き続きFund9の1,000を超える提案への投票を受け付けています。投票は、日本時間の火曜日(9/20)午前0時に締め切られます。


この数か月、チームは静かに委任機能を構築してきました。これは、ADA保有者が、コミュニティの代わりに投票するdReps(委任代表団)に投票権を委任できるようにするものです。一部の人にとっては、静かな動きというわけではありませんでした。IOGは、最初のdRepsコホートのために2つのタイムゾーンにわたって4つのワークショップを開催し、フィードバックを受け取り、Project Catalystの最初のdRepsとなることを目指している人々と交流しました。最初のコホートには200人を超える候補者がおり、Fund10での最初の委任イテレーションへ向けて努力しています。

Fund10では、すべてのADA保有者が自分の選んだdRepsに投票権を委任できるようになります(ADA保有額の下限無し)。ワークショップの詳細については、Quality Assurance DAO(QA-DAO)がすべてのドキュメントとワークショップの録画を公開しています。こちらをご覧ください。