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🍿This week in the Gimbalabs sessions:

🍿This week in the Gimbalabs sessions:

- In the 🎢 Gimbalabs Playground🎡session: Nori Nishigaya, a Cardano member with several Catalyst funds under his belt, presented the topic:

🛣 Request for Collaboration: an alternative to Competitive mechanisms. It would be a worthy addition to the Catalyst we know today.

- In the Gimbalabs 🏕Live Coding session #1:

🏗 Our Solutions Director + multi-talented ecosystem-builder Hinson Wong, presented the newest transaction-building features of MeshJS.

- In the Gimbalabs 🏕Live Coding session #2:

👨‍🏭Adrian, one of our awesome instructors and Andamio platform co-founder, gave us a phenomenal tour of Atlas, the open-sourced PAB released by Genius Yield.

🎅 Come and join us for next week's sessions. Links in our calendar:

Gimbalabs: Demystifying Cardano technology and making it accessible to people's 🧠minds.

All best + see you soon!

Sebastian from the Gimbalabs team.