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DAO Voting
refers to the process by which stakeholders participate in governance decisions by casting votes on proposals and protocol upgrades. Leveraging the decentralized nature of Cardano, stakeholders use their voting power, determined by their holdings of ada, to influence the direction and development of the ecosystem. Through transparent and auditable voting me...
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Digital Asset
represents a unique and transferable unit of value or ownership recorded in a digital format using cryptographic techniques. Digital assets which can include cryptocurrencies like ada, as well as tokens representing real-world assets, digital collectibles, or utility tokens, are securely stored and transferred on the Cardano blockchain.
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Digital Identity
refers to a secure and verifiable representation of an individual, organization, or entity in the digital realm. It encompasses personal attributes, credentials, and biometric data that are cryptographically stored and managed on the blockchain, providing users with control over their identity and enhancing privacy, security, and interoperability across digi...
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Distributed Ledger
refers to a decentralized database shared across multiple nodes, where transactions and data are recorded, stored, and synchronized in a transparent and immutable manner. Unlike traditional centralized ledgers, distributed ledgers on Cardano are distributed among a network of participants, enabling consensus mechanisms like Ouroboros to validate and agree u...
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Data Immutability
refers to the fundamental characteristic where once recorded, data stored within blocks remains unchanged and unalterable. This permanence is achieved through cryptographic hashing and consensus mechanisms, ensuring that transactions and information recorded on the blockchain cannot be tampered with or modified retroactively. Immutable data provides assuran...
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Digital Signature
is a cryptographic mechanism that authenticates the origin and integrity of digital messages or transactions. Utilizing asymmetric cryptography, it involves the creation of a unique signature by the sender using their private key, which can be verified by anyone with access to the sender's corresponding public key. This process ensures that the message or tr...
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refers to the utilization of advanced mathematical techniques to secure and protect sensitive information, including transactions and user identities, through encryption, digital signatures, and cryptographic algorithms, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity within the blockchain ecosystem
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Bootstrap Node
serves as an initial access point for new network participants, providing essential information and facilitating their connection to the broader network, aiding in the synchronization process and ensuring seamless integration into the blockchain ecosystem.
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BaaS, or Blockchain-as-a-Service, refers to a cloud-based service model where third-party providers offer blockchain infrastructure and management tools to users, enabling them to build, deploy, and manage decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts on the Cardano blockchain without the need for extensive blockchain expertise or infrastructure set...
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Batch Processing
In the context of the Cardano blockchain, batch processing denotes a systematic strategy where numerous transactions are bundled and executed together in a single operation, thereby refining network efficiency and resource allocation. This approach streamlines the validation and implementation of transactions, augmenting overall throughput and scalability by...
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Block syncing
refers to the vital process by which individual network nodes update their local copies of the blockchain to match the most current version, ensuring uniformity and accuracy throughout the network. This synchronization mechanism ensures that all nodes have access to the latest transactions and state changes, promoting the integrity and reliability of the Car...
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Block producer
A participant on the Cardano blockchain tasked with generating new blocks by validating transactions and adding them to the chain using the Ouroboros protocol. Selected based on stake, performance, and randomness, block producers operate within stake pools, aiming to maintain decentralization and security. Incentivized by rewards in ADA, they encourage commu...
0 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score

Asset Tokenization
The process of converting real-world or digital assets into digital tokens on a blockchain. On Cardano, the network supports the creation of custom tokens through its native token standard, allowing users to represent any asset or utility directly on the blockchain. Use Cases include fractional ownership of real estate, digital representation of art and col...
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A distribution method in which free tokens or digital assets are sent to multiple wallet addresses on a blockchain network. Airdrops are commonly used to promote a cryptocurrency project, reward holders, or incentivize participation. Airdrops can enhance token liquidity, attract community engagement, and foster ecosystem growth within the blockchain network...
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short for Application Programming Interfaces - are crucial tools in blockchain technology that allow different software applications to interact and communicate with each other. APIs play a significant role in enabling developers to build applications, access blockchain data, and create functionalities that interact with the Blockchain in general, and speci...
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BlockTree is the pioneer in applying verification technology to reforestation efforts in Asia by using NFT minted on Cardano, ensuring trust, transparency, and traceability between Sponsors and Planters.
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score

Franken address
Also known as a mangled-address, is a Cardano payment address that contains payment part and staking parts of different wallets/private-keys. This is made possible due to the unique design of addresses on Cardano. A Franken address allows users to separate their staking rewards into a separate wallet. Some application developers can leverage delegation righ...
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On-chain message
is typically implemented using metadata transactions. Metadata can be attached to regular ADA transactions or other transactions on the Cardano blockchain. These metadata transactions can contain various types of information, including text, JSON data, or links to external content. On-chain messages are useful for Non-Fungible Tokens. Creators can use them ...
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Stake address
Refers to a reward account, one of the two components that make up an address on Cardano. They are used in various operations related to rewards, such as delegating ADA to pools, checking the reward balance, etc. Anyone who owns a stake address also owns a stake in any associated funds linked to that address. It's worth noting that stake addresses cannot be ...
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Stake key
Refers to a cryptographic key pair associated with a stake address. Stake keys give you access to any rewards held in the stake address, as well as the ability to delegate the wallet to a pool to earn staking rewards. Note that ADA holders can have multiple stake keys and can delegate their ADA to different stake pools simultaneously.
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