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🎢 Gimbalabs Playground🎡 - Season 3. Every Tuesday from 1800 UTC. In this session: Gimbalabs launches a new platform!

🎢 Gimbalabs Playground🎡 - Season 3.  Every Tuesday from 1800 UTC. In this session: Gimbalabs launches a new platform!

Tuesday 2023-11-14 at 1800 UTC at 🎢 Gimbalabs Playground🎡: Andamio platform Showcase

r/cardano - 🎢 Gimbalabs Playground🎡 - Season 3. All Tuesdays, 1800 UTC

One of the biggest challenges companies and organizations have to deal with is turning people from passive to practical and active. How do we turn the uninterested into do-it-yourselfers with a sense of opportunity and purpose? Andamio platform 🏗 drills down into the depths of the answer.

r/cardano - 🎢 Gimbalabs Playground🎡 - Season 3. All Tuesdays, 1800 UTC

⛳️Where: Register At:

All the best + see you soon!
Sebastian from the Gimbalabs team.