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Weekly development report as of 2022-07-15

Weekly development report as of 2022-07-15


The node, ledger, and consensus teams are now in the process of updating dependencies and working closely with SPOs and the community on testnet issue resolution. The teams created a few tags this week: the 1.35.1 node tag to solve a ledger issue, and the v.13.0.1 DB Sync tag, which is compatible with the latest node v.1.35.1. GraphQL, Rosetta, and Cardano Testnet Explorer will be upgraded following the new node and DB Sync tags. 

Work is ongoing on pipelining maintainability and the addition of tests for added confidence and regression prevention. 

The networking team continued working on TCP simulations and typed-protocols reviews. The new version of the cardano-node, which includes the typed-protocol design, has been operating well.


This week, the Daedalus team added a warning icon that appears if non-recommended decimal settings are applied. The team also made some changes in how anonymous analytic data is collected on Daedalus. 

Regarding the Lace Desktop Wallet, the Lace team continues to set up an environment that enables Lace UI components to collect data from the cardano-wallet backend. The new cardano-node 1.35.1 has been successfully integrated into Daedalus-Testnet and will soon be released.

If you haven’t signed up for the Lace lightwallet platform updates, make sure to visit the Lace website

The Adrestia team finished updating Adrestia components for the upcoming hard fork combinator event. The first Vasil-compatible version of cardano-wallet has been released. The team is now preparing for the release of cardano-rosetta and cardano-graphql. Finally, they are preparing the Cardano-js-sdk for production and designing a new simple HTTP API on top of db-sync.


This week, the Plutus team continued refining the conformance and mainnet regression tests. They’ve also begun working on a new draft for technical reports, and are investigating coverage and binary format tools.

The Plutus Tools team worked on updating the official cardano-node to version 1.35.1, and fixing bugs in the plutus-contract emulator.

The Marlowe team created a new project in marlowe-cardano called marlowe-runtime and tested Marlowe CLI against 1.35 Cardano Node Upgrade for the Babbage development stage.

The team also fixed static analysis to consider 'Close' contracts unreachable, prototyped revenue-based Marlowe loans for the upcoming RealFi MVP, and added additional property-based testing of Marlowe semantics.


This week, the Hydra team switched the code base to Babbage with all tests passing successfully. The team has also written & updated the contribution guidelines for Hydra, and created the quickcheck-dynamic repository, contributing guidelines, and proposed migration in plutus-apps.

Use cases for reference scripts and inputs were designed and some of these are explained on the Hydra website

The team is delighted to announce that there is now an integrated Japanese translation of its documentation.


This week, Project Catalyst entered its second Quality Assurance (QA) stage - where project proposers can review their assessments. After this short period, we will move into the third and final QA stage, where Veteran Proposal Assessors will work to bring all assessments to a strong quality benchmark.

The QA stage is one of the most important times during each fund cycle - ensuring every proposal meets minimum thresholds and has at the very least five reviews. Thanks to the army of Proposal Assessors working in the Project Catalyst ecosystem, Fund9 now has eight reviews per proposal - that’s over 19,000 reviews in total! 

Voter registration to participate in Fund9 is open and will remain so until the wallet snapshot on August 4th. For more information, join the mailing list and download the voting app (Android and iOS).

週刊開発レポート 2022年07月15日


ノード、台帳、コンセンサスチームは、現在依存関係の更新中であり、SPOやコミュニティと協力してテストネットの不具合の解消に取り組んでいます。台帳の不具合を解消するための1.35.1ノードタグ、最新ノードv.1.35.1対応のv.13.0.1 DB Syncタグなど、いくつかのタグを作成しました。GraphQL、Rosetta、Cardanoテストネットエクスプローラーは、新しいノードおよびDB Syncタグに従ってアップグレードされる予定です。 





Laceデスクトップウォレットに関しては、引き続きLace UIコンポーネントによるcardano-walletバックエンドからのデータ収集を可能にする環境設定を行いました。新しいcardano-node 1.35.1は無事にDaedalusテストネットに統合され、まもなくリリースされます。


Adrestiaチームは、予定されているハードフォークコンビネーターイベントに向けた、Adrestiaコンポーネントの更新を完了しました。cardano-walletの初回Vasil対応バージョンをリリースしました。現在、cardano-rosettaとcardano-graphqlのリリース準備を行っています。cardano-js-sdkを本番環境にする準備、db-sync上に構築する新しいシンプルなHTTP APIの設計も行っています。



Plutus Toolsチームは公式のcardano-nodeをversion 1.35.1へ更新し、plutus-contractエミュレーターのバグを修正しました。

Marloweチームは、marlowe-cardanoでmarlowe-runtimeという新しいプロジェクトを作成し、Babbage開発期に向けてMarlowe CLIを1.35 Cardano Node Upgradeでテストしました。

静的解析を修正して「Close」コントラクトを到達不能とみなすようにし、予定されているRealFi MVPのために収益ベースのMarloweローンをプロトタイプ化し、Marloweセマンティックのプロパティベースのテストを追加しました。

Basho( スケーリング)





Project Catalystは2番目のQA段階に入りました。ここでは、プロジェクトの提案者が査定を確認できます。この短い期間の後、3番目にして最終のQA段階に入ります。ここでは、ベテランの提案査定担当者がすべての査定結果をまとめて、強力なクオリティベンチマークを提供します。

QA段階は、各ファンドサイクルの中で最も重要な時期に数えられます。すべての提案が確実に最低閾値を満たすようにし、少なくとも5つのレビューを得るようにします。Project Catalystエコシステムで働く提案査定担当者たちのおかげで、Fund9は現在提案ごとに8つのレビュー、トータルで19,000を超えるレビューを得ています。 


Statistics and headlines of the Cardano weekly development report as of 2022-07-15 in Japanese