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Weekly development report as of 2023-01-27

Weekly development report as of 2023-01-27


This week, the ledger team completed some preliminary groundwork in preparation for CIP-1694, fixed the PDF hosting problem with formal specifications, and continued working on the new user-friendly ledger API. The team also finished a proof of concept of constraint-based generators for running property tests, which should hopefully replace the current trace generators. Finally, they addressed technical debt.

During the past two weeks, the consensus team finished the testing activities around the UTXO-HD prototype. This is a very important milestone that will enable running system-level tests and benchmarks, as well as start refactoring and cleaning the prototype. Work is ongoing on Genesis development; the team elaborated a roadmap that gives an indication of the remaining work. They also continued working on chain-sync-jumping benchmarking. Finally, the team progressed in improving the way they handle blocks from the future and advancing the integration of the new VRF and KES crypto.

Last week, IOG also announced the date of the upcoming SECP upgrade, which will drive greater interoperability and secure, cross-chain DApp development. The mainnet upgrade is proposed tentatively for February 14, 2023 at 21:44:51 UTC. On that basis, IOG is targeting the update to the pre-production test environment on February 11, 2023 at 00:00:00 UTC.

The networking and node teams, with the help of members of the SPO community, have been investigating the root cause of the anomalous network behavior this week, which briefly affected a number of network and relay nodes at the weekend. Positive progress has been made. Thanks as ever to all the Cardano SPO community for their support in this.

As always, see this technical development report for more details from different teams.


Work is ongoing on the Lace desktop development. The team addressed their technical debt, which included refactoring, developer tools improvements, and folder structure changes. They also added an internationalization feature to support more languages in the future, improved the local node shutdown process, and fixed some hardware wallet issues.

The Adrestia team kept working on updating Rosetta and GraphQL to the latest versions of the node and DBSync. See the latest release notes here.

They also continued preparing cardano-js-sdk to release it into production, and finally, they are currently working on extending the multi-signature feature with delegation functionality in cardano-wallet.


This week, the Plutus team planned their work for the next five sprints. The main goals of the Plutus core team are to finalize the debugger MVP, increase script capacity, add property testing with the Plutus intermediate representation generators, and add formal methods for the Plutus builtins. 

The Plutus tools team aims to finalize work on the Marconi MVP, which is a lightweight, customizable chain follower application and library for DApp developers to index parts of the Cardano blockchain for fast querying. They will also continue working on the cardano-ledger-api package documentation and the prototype of the Plutus testing infrastructure.

The Marlowe team added long polling support for contracts to the API, tested CIP-30 wallet integration against Nami, and created a test-spec for marlowe-cardano. They also added some unit tests, fixed bugs, improved some constructs, and added support for the application of inputs to the Actus Lab.


The Hydra team focused on the Hydra Head V1 specification – its first version is now finalized and in review. The team also aligned the on-chain scripts for funds reimbursement to work as defined in the specification and improved the mutation test framework to have more control when testing Plutus scripts.

The added HeadId in the API and the TUI example client make hydra-node easier to integrate and a first experiment of a Hydra Head explorer shows the utility of this on the preview test environment.

Last week, the teams also published a paper on ‘Implementing auction projects using Hydra’, which is a collaborative project by IOG and MLabs. Read the linked paper or this summary blog post for more details.

The Mithril team completed the implementation of the backward/forward compatibility mechanism of their API messages for handling seamless soft updates of the Mithril networks. They also completed the proof of concept to rely on an on-chain transaction to synchronously trigger the era switch of all the signer nodes for synchronous updates, and updated the enforcement of the API version by assessing compatibility using Semver.

Finally, the team started implementing the era behavior switch mechanism that will be used to handle breaking changes that require synchronous updates of the signers.


Project Catalyst’s new home,, is not only a window into Project Catalyst but a database shining a light on all funded projects and Fund specifics. You can track projects’ progress with reports, payments received, and learn more about the teams that are delivering behind the scenes. 

Last year, a new milestones-based reporting requirement launched that a large group of funded projects needs to follow. This created greater oversight and transparency for every project, and further demonstrates the great work being done on Cardano. A community audit working group was also launched, in which anyone can participate and support the value Project Catalyst delivers for Cardano. If you are interested in participating, email




ネットワーキングチームとノードチームは、SPOコミュニティの協力を得て、ネットワークの動作異常を引き起こした原因を調査しました。これにより、週末に多くのネットワークおよびリレーノードが一時影響を受けました。これは順調な進捗を見せています。ご協力いただいたCardano SPOコミュニティに感謝します。







Plutusチームは、次の5スプリントの作業を計画しました。Plutus Coreチームの主要目標は、デバッガーMVPを仕上げ、スクリプト容量を増やし、Plutus中間表現ジェネレーターを使ったプロパティテストを追加し、Plutusビルトインの形式手法を追加することです。 

Plutusツールチームは、DApp開発者がCardanoブロックチェーンの一部にインデックスを付けて高速クエリを実現するための、軽量でカスタマイズ可能なチェーンフォロワーアプリケーションおよびライブラリであるMarconi MVPの作業を仕上げることを目指しました。cardano-ledger-apiパッケージの文書化と、Plutusテストインフラのプロトタイプに関する作業も続けました。

Marloweチームは、APIにコントラクト用のロングポーリングサポートを追加し、Namiに対してCIP-30ウォレットの統合をテスト行い、marlowe-cardanoのテスト仕様を作成しました。ユニットテストを追加し、バグを修正し、構造を改良し、Actus Labへの入力の適用のサポートを追加しました。

Basho( スケーリング)

Hydraチームは、Hydra Head V1の仕様に集中しました。初回バージョンは現在完了しレビュー中です。仕様の定義通りに機能するよう資金払い戻し用のオンチェーンスクリプトを調整し、Plutusスクリプトをテストする際の制御を強化するようミューテーションテストフレームワークを改良しました。

APIに追加したHeadIdとTUIサンプルクライアントにより、hydra-nodeの統合が容易になり、Hydra Headエクスプローラーの初回実験は、プレビューテスト環境での有用性を示しました。

先週は、 IOGとMLabsとの共同プロジェクトである「Hydraを使用したオークションプロジェクトの実装」に関する論文を発表しました(日本語版は後日アップ予定)。詳細は、リンク先の論文またはこちらの概要ブログ(日本語版有り)をご覧ください。




Project Catalystの新拠点、projectcatalyst.ioは、Project Catalystへの窓口となるだけでなく、資金調達を受けたすべてのプロジェクトとファンドの詳細に光を当てるデータベースです。プロジェクトの進捗状況はレポート、支払い状況で追跡することができます。また、舞台裏で活躍するチームについて知ることもできます。 

昨年、新たに資金調達を受けたプロジェクトの大グループが提出すべきマイルストンベースのレポート要件が導入されました。 これにより、すべてのプロジェクトの監視と透明性が向上し、Cardanoで行われている素晴らしい作業がより詳しく示されることになりました。また、誰でも参加可能なコミュニティ監査ワーキンググループが立ち上がり、Project CatalystがCardanoに提供する価値を支えています。参加をご希望の方は、catalyst@iohk.ioへメールでご連絡ください。