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Weekly development report as of 2023-02-03

Weekly development report as of 2023-02-03


This week, the teams continued preparing for the upcoming Valentine (SECP) upgrade. Last week, the teams released a new node v.1.35.5, followed by the Rosetta v.2.1.0 release. For the latest progress, track this upgrade readiness page and see the compatibility matrix to stay up to date with the latest releases.

As always, see this technical development report for more details from different teams.


This week, the Daedalus team tested and integrated cardano-node UTXO-HD, a node that stores UTXOs on disk instead of RAM.

Work is ongoing on Lace desktop development. The team made UI/UX improvements to DApp link entries and also enhanced the process of local node management. Finally, they fixed several issues after upgrading the new cardano-js-sdk.

If you’re testing Lace in the pre-production testing environment, note that network switching will soon be available. All users will be automatically switched to mainnet at launch, which means that users' wallets will be on Cardano mainnet without having to lift a finger! Download Lace now and get access to mainnet immediately.

The Adrestia team released cardano-rosetta 2.1.0. This component is now compatible with the latest Node version (1.35.5). They're also finalizing work to update GraphQL to the latest Node and DBSync versions.

The team is also continuing preparations to release cardano-js-sdk to production.

Finally, they're extending the multi-signature feature with delegation functionality in cardano-wallet and working on DBLayer refactoring to improve performance and memory usage.


This week, the Plutus team continued working on the Plutus debugger, script capacity increase (with sums and products also adding Plutonomy optimizations), and source code built-in documentation. The Plutus tools team kept on building indexers for the sidechains project with Marconi, and addressed some technical debt by supporting cardano-api in the emulator. 

This week, the Marlowe team added better error handling for CIP-30. They also improved the chain index by fixing incorrect output index for a multi-asset output and collateral, and a problem that caused chain index redeemers to sometimes omit or add one byte. The team also analyzed transaction failures from the Marlowe Runtime scalability test, fixed some issues with metadata, documented the attack surface of Marlowe deployments, and implemented a MarloweSync server along with persistence for Marlowe Sync. 

Work is ongoing on the ACTUS standards implementation. The team provided information about the ACTUS Labs prototype and ACTUS contract types in the app, and added a simulation of ACTUS contract terms before submitting a contract. They also implemented a long polling for transactions feature, created wireframe low-fidelity documentation pages, and added an ‘Indicator’ option to show the progress of a deployed ACTUS contract.


The Hydra team held a monthly review meeting with stakeholders, contributors, and the community. They published a monthly report for January 2023 summarizing the main takeaways and development progress. The team also continued working on the Hydra V1 specification incorporating suggested changes from reviewers. Finally, they started to compute and publish script information on every pull request and on the website.

The Mithril team released a new 2304.1 distribution that enables the backward/forward compatibility mechanism implemented for seamlessly rolling out soft updates to  Mithril networks. During the qualification phase of this distribution, they identified and fixed a bug that prevented some signers from contributing to multi-signatures. They have also started refactoring the internal stores of the nodes to a relational design.

Finally, the team continued implementing the era behavior switch mechanism that will be used to handle breaking changes that require synchronous updates of the signer nodes.

Work continues on the proof of concept EVM sidechain testnet, which will enable developers to create and deploy Solidity smart contracts and DApps as well as move test tokens between the environments. To stay tuned, join this Discord channel and read this recent blog post. The team will also be hosting a sidechains webinar in a few weeks so keep an eye out for that!


予定されているバレンタイン(SECP)アップグレードの準備を続けました。先週は、ノードv.1.35.5、続いてRosetta v.2.1.0をリリースしました。最新の進捗状況は、アップグレード準備の進捗情報ページを、また、最新リリース情報は互換性マトリックスをチェックしてください。



Daedalusは、UTXOをRAMの代わりにディスクに保存するノード、cardano-node UTXO-HDのテストと統合を行いました。



Adrestiaチームはcardano-Rosetta 2.1.0をリリースしました。このコンポーネントは、最新のノードバージョン(1.35.5)に対応しています。GraphQLを最新のノードおよびDBSyncバージョンに更新する作業も完了しました。





Marloweチームは、CIP-30エラー処理を改良しました。マルチ資産アウトプットと担保の不正確なアウトプットインデックス、そして、チェーンインデックスリディーマーが1バイトを省略または追加する場合があるという問題を修正してチェーンインデックスを改良しました。Marlowe Runtimeスケーラビリティテストのトランザクション失敗を分析し、メタデータの不具合を修正し、Marloweデプロイの攻撃対象領域を文書化し、Marlowe Syncの永続性とともにMarloweSyncサーバーを実装しました。 

ACTUS標準実装の作業は進行中です。ACTUS LabsのプロトタイプとACTUSコントラクトタイプについての情報をアプリに提供し、コントラクトの送信前にACTUSコントラクト条件のシミュレーションを追加しました。トランザクション機能にロングポーリングを実装し、ローファイワイヤーフレームのドキュメントページを作成し、デプロイされたACTUSコントラクトの進行状況を表示する「Indicator」オプションを追加しました。

Basho( スケーリング)

Hydraチームは、関係者、コントリビューター、コミュニティとのマンスリーレビューミーティングを持ちました。主要点や開発の進捗情報をまとめた2023年1月の月間報告書を公開しました。レビュワーから提案された変更を盛り込んだ、Hydra V1仕様への取り組みも続けました。すべてのプルリクエストとウェブサイトで、スクリプト情報の計算と公開を始めました。


