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Weekly development report as of 2023-06-02

Weekly development report as of 2023-06-02


This week, the core technology teams worked on the upcoming node v.8.1.0, which will introduce more Conway era support, epoch boundary optimizations, and new network packages, among other improvements.

The ledger team made progress on the Conway ledger era, designing and working on implementing new certificates, and refactoring some of the data structures to support DRep actions. They also cleaned up the serialization format and renamed items to clarify the differences with Shelley.

Finally, the team completed integration work for node v.8.1.0 and continued  addressing technical debt.

The consensus team worked on drafting an implementation path to be used for backing the network's ledger peer selection, which concludes that a node is synced. They also conducted a thorough investigation into the feasibility of applying the Genesis rule to certain historical parts of the chain.

On the UTXO-HD front, the team is working on improving the design of the ledger tables and finalizing the enhanced DB locking mechanism. Finally, they released some packages required by UTXO-HD.

As always, see this technical development report for more details from different teams.


This week, Lace went open source. The team also focused on cardano-js-sdk, making updates to TxBuilder to accommodate the CIP-17 object. They worked on stake distribution reporting and prepared a new input selection algorithm to align with CIP-17 preferences. The team are also working on the upcoming v.1.2 release. 

The Adrestia team worked on separating the balance TX library, enhancing the database layer, and closing out the multi-signature wallet delegation functionality. The team is also preparing MBO repositories and updating cardano-wallet to support node v.8.0.x.


This week, the Plutus tools team worked on finalizing the Marconi EpochSDD and MintBurn indexer for the sidechains project. They also worked on fixing resuming logic of Marconi indexers and on separating the mocked node from plutus-pab. 

The Marlowe web-based platform to build and run smart contracts launched on mainnet this week. Marlowe’s set of open source tools is designed to simplify the creation, testing, and deployment of secure smart contracts on the Cardano blockchain. It caters to developers, regardless of their expertise in software development, by offering intuitive solutions to create, utilize, and monetize smart contracts with ease. Check out the website and documentation for more information.

The team also worked on the setup and deployment of Marlowe Playground, GetContract query, and marlowe-loader services. They automated an end-to-end test scenario for Playground, connected its frontend tests to CI, and added the contract for difference (CFD) to the examples suite. 

Finally, the team proofread the specs and validated Marlowe contracts for valid addresses. 


The Hydra team held their monthly review meeting and drafted the May report to be published on the website. They also made progress on implementing the first end-to-end journey for external commits using 'Option A' for regular UTXOs, while still considering 'Option B'. The team integrated a Spanish translation contributed by the community, created micro-benchmarks for transaction validation and deserialization, and made improvements to the version reporting of the Hydra node. 

Finally, they implemented the ability to commit multiple UTXOs to a head at once.

This week, the Mithril team released a new 2321.1 distribution that fully implements the mechanism developed to sign generic data. They completed the upgrade of the Cardano node in the Mithril networks to v.8.0.0, and the refactoring of the state machines of the signer and aggregator. Additionally, they worked on adapting the client and implementing a new sub-command for restoring the Cardano immutable file snapshots.

Finally, the team worked on adding a new certificate list route in the aggregator REST API, and started enhancing the infrastructure of the Mithril networks.


This week in Voltaire, the conversations continue on CIP-1694 to establish an initial Minimum Viable Governance (MVG) framework. This framework is crucial for the advancement of participatory governance within the Cardano ecosystem. By collecting feedback from community members, diverse viewpoints can be incorporated to ensure the governance system aligns with the community’s needs and desires. The following workshops were hosted to collect feedback this week:

  • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia by nebast#9398

  • Monterey, California, USA by TheRealAdamDean#3458, bayareaeagle#3314, and Rod.G#1645

  • Zug, Switzerland by the Cardano Foundation (June 3rd)

Check out workshops happening near you and join in the conversation.

CIP-30 and CIP-95 are mechanisms proposed by the Cardano Improvement Proposals (CIPs) to empower ada holders with voting capabilities. These proposals, once implemented by wallet providers, will enable community members to express their democratic consent for governance actions. By involving the broader Cardano community in decision-making processes, the ecosystem becomes more decentralized and inclusive.

It's essential for community members to actively participate in providing feedback for CIP-1694 and CIP-95. By voicing opinions and suggestions, you can help shape the future of governance within Cardano. This collaborative approach ensures that the governance mechanisms implemented are representative and responsive to the community's needs. 


This week in Project Catalyst, the Catalyst team presented an overview of the continuous testnet during this week’s town hall. Catalyst’s Lead Architect, walked through the details and roadmap, and demoed how the community can start to interact with the testnet, watch it here for more details. If you aren’t already make sure to stay tuned and register your attendance for the upcoming town hall.

Diving in deeper on the development of the Catalyst testnet and other updates:

  • The Catalyst core team completed the integration of importer services into the continuous deployment framework, unlocking updates in configurable intervals for voting power and proposal details for frontend clients.

  • The team kicked off refactoring database relations in the new EventDB, in preparation to enable voting via Catalyst OpenAPIs.

  • There was continued investigation of the tally recovery tool and cryptography behind the encrypted tally, laying the groundwork for independently verifiable voting results. 

  • A dry run for Fund10 was initiated to begin taking inventory of bugs and to begin making necessary fixes before going live. As well as continued wallet testing for compatibility with CIP-36 and new Catalyst registration format, enabling Catalyst DReps and more seamless reward payouts. 

Finally, to stay up to date with everything happening in Project Catalyst, bookmark the past issues of the weekly newsletter here.


This week, the Education team focused on writing content for Mastering Cardano and organizing some contributions. They were also busy finalizing the content for the Cardano Days event in the University of Celaya and planning for other in-person training events over the next few months. 

Additionally, they finished lessons 12 and 13 of the Haskell Bootcamp and spent time as a team learning about effective course design.










Adrestiaチームは、Balance TXライブラリーの分離、データベース層の強化、マルチシグウォレット委任機能の仕上げに取り組みました。現在MBOリポジトリを準備し、ノードv.8.0.xをサポートするようcardano-walletを更新しています。


Plutusツールチームは、サイドチェーンプロジェクト用のMarconi EpochSDDとMintBurnインデクサーの仕上げに取り組みました。Marconiインデクサーの再開ロジックの修正と、モックされたノードをplutus-pabから切り離す作業も進めました。 


Marlowe Playgroundのセットアップとデプロイ、GetContractクエリmarlowe-loaderサービスにも取り組みました。Playgroundのエンドツーエンドテストシナリオを自動化し、フロントエンドテストをCIに接続し、サンプルスイートにCFD(差金決済取引)を追加しました。 


Basho( スケーリング)




新しい証明書リストルートをアグリゲーターREST APIに追加する作業に取り組み、Mithrilネットワークのインフラ強化に着手しました。



  • エチオピア、アディスアベバ - nebast#9398主催

  • 米国カリフォルニア州モントレー - TheRealAdamDean#3458、bayareaeagle#3314、Rod.G#1645主催

  • スイス、ツーク - Cardano財団主催(6月3日)





Project Catalystに関しては、タウンホールでCatalystチームが継続的なテストネットの概要を発表しました。Catalystのリードアーキテクトが詳細とロードマップを説明し、コミュニティがテストネットとインタラクションする方法を実演しました。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。今後のタウンホールへの参加が未登録の場合には、ぜひ登録して最新情報を入手してください。


  • Catalystのコアチームがインポーターサービスを継続的デプロイフレームワークに統合する作業を完了し、投票権とフロントエンドクライアント向けの提案の詳細の更新を設定可能な間隔でアンロックしました。

  • Catalyst OpenAPI経由の投票を可能にする準備のため、新しいEventDBにおけるデータベース関係のリファクタリングを開始しました。

  • 暗号化された集計を支える集計復元ツールと暗号の調査が続けられ、独自に検証可能な投票結果の基礎が築かれました。 

  • Fund10の試運転が開始され、バグのインベントリを作成し、本番前に必要な修正を開始しました。CIP-36および新しいCatalyst登録形式との互換性に関するウォレットテストを継続するとともに、Catalyst DRepとよりシームレスな報酬の支払いを可能にしました。 

ここから週刊ニュースレターの過去の号をブックマークして、Project Catalystのすべての情報を入手してください。


教育チームは『Mastering Cardano』の執筆と投稿の整理に集中しました。セラヤ大学で開催されるCardano Daysイベント内容の最終決定や、今後数か月に行われる他の対面型トレーニングイベントの計画にも取り組みました。 
