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Weekly development report as of 2023-11-03

Weekly development report as of 2023-11-03


This week, many IOG teams are at the Cardano Summit 2023, contributing to the annual event with keynotes, panels, masterclasses, and a strong booth lineup of products and services on display. Read this blog post for more details. 

The networking team continued working on bootstrapping peers, investigated CI processes, tested protocols and connection manager functionality, and released a new version of the ouroboros-network packages to CHaP.

The consensus team focused on two primary areas. Firstly, they addressed the survivable eclipse duration, a part of their work related to supporting Genesis delivery. Secondly, they focused on enhancing the handling of blocks from the future. The team also made progress with the UTXO-HD branch development by successfully operating a node with legacy blocks, which currently syncs with the mainnet up to the Alonzo era.

Finally, they investigated a regression in mempool snapshotting. This issue was resolved through a ledger update and is planned to be fixed in the upcoming node v.8.6 release.

As always, see this technical development report for more details from different teams.


This week, Lace says hello to Nami! Nami, the non-custodial wallet platform created by Alessandro Konrad in 2021, has joined the Input Output Global product family. For more details, read this blog post.

Additionally, the team updated some data fetching issues – to better support token conversions in any chosen currency. 

The Lace team is on the ground at the Cardano Summit 2023, where they are looking to engage with community members. Stay tuned for more updates.


This week, the Plutus tools team kept working on Marconi API queries, cardano-node-emulator testing, and user documentation improvements. The Plutus Core team made the equality comparison on PlutusTx value more efficient.

The Marlowe team created several versions of transactions in TS-SDK, including `getWithdrawalById, createWithdrawal, getWithdrawals, submitWithdrawal, and createTransactionForContract`. They also measured build-related query performance on mainnet, evaluated Aiken-based Marlowe validators, and looked into Lace support. Additionally, the team released the Runtime web hotfix, set the API call for config JSON needed for dynamic setting of Marlowe Runtime web URL, and cross-indexed the starter-kit videos on the main Marlowe Docs tutorials page. 

Finally, they added the contract ID and Marlowe Scan links to the vesting DApp, improved Marlowe Playground functionality by adding the GET endpoint, and enabled going to Blockly after loading the contract from the URL.

The Marlowe team will conduct two workshops at the Cardano Summit this week. The first workshop happening on November 3, ‘Marlowe deep dive: build a DApp in 90 minutes’, will explore Marlowe’s suite of tools and safety features, demonstrating DApp creation. The second one, to be held on November 4, is ‘Marlowe 101: turn ideas into smart contracts’. This workshop will offer a beginner-friendly introduction to creating and executing smart contracts while discussing business case ideation and technical architecture.


This week, the Hydra team fixed the `gen-hydra-keys` command to avoid overwriting existing keys and resolved issues related to the rewritten hydra-tui. They also worked on a ‘dirt road’ implementation for the ‘ignored init tx’ notification, improving the robustness of the system.

The team finalized their preparations for the Cardano Summit presentation, including implementing the `hydra-poll` example DApp.

If you are at the Cardano Summit 2023 in Dubai, make sure to check out Hydra’s masterclass ‘Developing Hydra and Mithril for scaling Cardano’ today (November 3) at 14:00-15:30 local time in the ‘Al Dar’ room.

The Mithril team kept working on decentralizing the Mithril networks with the peer-to-peer (P2P) networking proof of concept. They progressed with the adaptation of the Mithril client as a library, and worked on its full WASM compatibility in a proof of concept. Additionally, the team kept working on the deterministic computation of transactions from immutable files, and fixed some unreachability issues on the release-mainnet aggregator.

Finally, they implemented new Docker images that build the Mithril nodes on the devnet faster and fixed some regressions in the Mithril client CLI.


This week in Project Catalyst, the team has been busy gearing up for Fund11 and preparing for participation at the Cardano Summit. More details on this will follow next week, so stay tuned! In case you missed it, you can check out the recording of the Catalyst town hall here. If you haven’t already, register your wish to attend the next town hall.

The technical updates for Catalyst this week include:

  • Preparation of the mobile app and backend for Fund11

  • Implementation of a new load testing framework to enhance testing capabilities

  • Open-source repositories setup for the new Catalyst Voices and Hermes projects.

Finally, to stay updated with everything happening in Project Catalyst, join the Catalyst Telegram announcement channel. 


This week, members of the Education team are attending the Cardano Summit. The team are also gathering feedback on the recent Haskell course with ABC.








LaceはNamiを迎えました。2021年にAlessandro Konradが作成したノンカストディアル型ウォレットプラットフォームNamiは、Input Output Globalの製品ファミリーに加わりました。詳細は、このブログ記事をご覧ください。




Plutusツールチームは、Marconi API、cardano-node-emulatorのテスト、ユーザードキュメントの改訂への取り組みを続けました。Plutus Coreチームは、Plutus Txの等価比較の効率を上げました。

Marloweチームは、getWithdrawalByIdcreateWithdrawalgetWithdrawalssubmitWithdrawalcreateTransactionForContractを含むトランザクションバージョンをTS-SDKで複数作成しました。メインネットでビルド関連クエリのパフォーマンスを測定し、AikenベースのMarloweバリデーターを評価し、Laceのサポートを検討しました。Runtime webホットフィックスをリリースし、Marlowe RuntimeウェブURLに必要なJSON設定用API 呼び出しを設定し、 Marlowe Docsのメインチュートリアルページでスターターキット動画のクロスインデックスを作成しました。 

べスティングDAppにコントラクトIDとMarlowe Scanのリンクを追加し、GETエンドポイントを追加してMarlowe Playgroundの機能を改良し、URLからコントラクトをロードした後にBlocklyに移動できるようにしました。

Marloweチームは今週Cardanoサミットで2つのワークショップを開催します。11月3日に行われる最初のワークショップ「Marlowe deep dive: build a DApp in 90 minutes(Marloweの詳細:DAppを90分で構築する)」では、DApp作成を実演しながらMarloweのツールスイートと安全機能を詳しく紹介します。2つ目のワークショップは「Marlowe 101: turn ideas into smart contracts(アイデアをスマートコントラクトに変換しよう)」で、11月4日に開かれます。このワークショップでは、ビジネスケースの観念化と技術アーキテクチャーについて議論しながら、スマートコントラクトの作成と実行について初心者にわかりやすく説明します。


Hydraチームは既存の鍵の上書きを避けるためにgen-hydra-keysコマンドを修正し、書き換えられたhydra-tuiに関する問題を解消しました。ignored init tx通知用のdirt roadの実装にも取り組み、システムの堅牢性を向上させました。


ドバイのCardanoサミット2023に参加されるなら、現地時間本日(11月3日)14:00~15:30にAl Darルームで開かれる、Hydraマスタークラス「Developing Hydra and Mithril for scaling Cardano(HydraとMithrilの開発でCardanoをスケーリング)」をぜひチェックしてみてください。




Project Catalystでは、Fund11の準備とCardanoサミットへの参加準備に追われました。詳細は来週以降となりますので、どうぞお楽しみに!見逃した場合は、ここでCatalystタウンホールの録画を視聴できます。次回タウンホールへの参加が未登録の場合には、ぜひ登録してください。


  • Fund11用モバイルアプリとバックエンドの準備

  • テスト機能を強化するための新しい負荷テストフレームワークの実装

  • 新しいCatalyst VoicesとHermesの各プロジェクト用にオープンソースリポジトリをセットアップ

Catalyst Telegram案内チャネルに登録して、Project Catalystの最新情報を入手してください。 

