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Weekly development report as of 2024-01-19

Weekly development report as of 2024-01-19


Over the past few weeks, the ledger team implemented many features, including new ledger events, increasing the limit of the URL length, enabling consensus queries, and JSON instances. This was required for implementation testing of a reliable transaction fee estimation function, which is also available for cardano-cli now. 

The team also addressed such important bug fixes as guarding against invalid protocol versions in hard fork initiation proposals, retaining failures during Plutus cost model updates, fixing the types of some protocol parameters to prevent too large values, and addressing serialization and CDDL fixes.

Find out more about Conway-related development in the Voltaire section below.

As always, see this technical development report for more details from different teams.


This week, the Marlowe team implemented the benchmark for the basic contract lifecycle, carried out a block utilization stress test, and added the initial state to the contract state response. They also added the Merkleized contract flow example to TS-SDK, removed the wallet/nodes/single address wallet package, cited compatible Runtime version(s) in the TS-SDK readme, and established the tooling for the integration test.

Finally, the team worked on the Marlowe Run web application wireframe and design along with the vesting contract UI updates and worked on Agda code (Commits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).


This week, the Hydra team improved GitHub action workflows (issues #1242, #1233), addressed protocol parameter schema consistency in hydra-node, and made enhancements to log schema tests. They also created an architectural decision record (ADR) for Cardano transaction serialization in APIs, moved the hydra-chess project to a dedicated repository, and resolved a bug in quickcheck-dynamic and model tests.

The Mithril team completed the implementation of the client in the explorer, enabling direct certificate verification from the browser. They initiated the implementation of a new entity type for signing to certify the Cardano transactions set in Mithril networks. The team also upgraded the devnet to support the Conway era and activated the Mithril era marker reader on the Cardano chain in the end-to-end test. Additionally, they kept implementing a mock aggregator to strengthen Mithril client tests in WASM and continued working on threat modeling and risk analysis for P2P networking.

Finally, they worked on enhancing node communications between Mithril and Cardano and started upgrading the infrastructure to support node version 8.7.3.

If interested, join the monthly review meeting featuring demos on Hydra, Mithril, and related projects happening on January 19, 2024, at 17:30 UTC.


Work continues on Voltaire development. The ledger team continued working on the Conway era functionality through the refactoring of how Plutus language versions are distinguished in each era, which significantly improves type safety. With this, the team finalized Plutus v3 integration, which will be available in the Conway era.

The team also implemented the protocolVersion field in JSON instance for Babbage and Conway protocol parameters, ensured that the DRep registration certificate requires a witness, improved the new committee governance action ratification, and fixed some Conway-related issues. See more in this technical development update.

The core tech teams also updated the SanchoNet documentation with new community video guides, updated the file naming convention, and updated links to reflect core Cardano code repo migration to Intersect.  


This week, Project Catalyst is about to conclude the moderation period of the community review. More than 70,000 moderations have been submitted by about 250 active participants as level 2 moderators. This stage’s results should be  available within a week, and they will ultimately inform the voting app presentation. 

The community also held its second town hall of the year. The next meeting is scheduled for the following week and then every Wednesday thereafter, always at 5 PM UTC. You can register here

Remember, voting is expected to start one week from now - on January 25, noon UTC and will remain open for two weeks until February 8, 11 AM UTC. We’re looking forward to your active participation in the upcoming Fund11 vote. You can also refer to the Catalyst Knowledge Base GitBook pages here to learn more about voting. 

The Catalyst team also published the latest blog elaborating the concept of Catalyst working groups and how these could come into action over the coming months. We encourage you to read more about it here.   


The education team is focused on planning activities for the year and also updating the Haskell Bootcamp course.







Marloweチームは、基本コントラクトのライフサイクルのベンチマークを実装し、ブロック使用率のストレステストを実行し、コントラクトステータスの応答に初期ステータスを追加しました。TS-SDKにマークル化コントラクトのフローを追加し、ウォレット/ノード/シングルアドレスウォレットパッケージを削除し、TS-SDK readmeで互換性のあるRuntimeバージョンを引用し、統合テストのためのツールを確立しました。

Marlowe Runウェブアプリケーションのワイヤーフレームと設計に加えて、べスティングコントラクトのUIの更新とAGDAコード(コミット1234567)に取り組みました。







Voltaireの開発作業は続いています。台帳チームは、Plutus言語バージョンが各期でどのように区別されるかをリファクタリングしてConway期の機能への取り組みを続け、型の安全性を大幅に向上させました。これとともに、Plutus v3統合を仕上げました。これはConway期に利用可能になります。


コアテックチームはSanchoNetのドキュメントを更新し、新しいコミュニティ動画ガイドを追加し、ファイル命名規則を更新し、 リンクを更新してCardanoコアコードリポジトリのIntersectへの移行を反映させました。  


Project Catalystは、コミュニティレビューのモデレーション期間をまもなく終了します。70,000の変更が、レベル2モデレーターとして登録された250人のアクティブな参加者から送信されています。このステージの結果は1週間以内に明らかになり、最終的に投票アプリのプレゼンテーションが通知されます。 


投票期間は、1週間後の1月25日正午(UTC:日本時間は同日21:00)に開始される予定であり、2月8日11:00(UTC:日本時間は同日20:00)までの2週間となります。Fund11の投票への積極的な参加を期待しています。投票の詳細は、Catalyst Knowledge BaseのGitBookページでも参照できます。 



教育チームは、今年の活動計画と、Haskell Bootcampコースの更新に焦点を当てています。