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Weekly development update as of 2022-09-09

Weekly development update as of 2022-09-09


This week, the node, ledger, and consensus teams continued preparing for the Vasil upgrade. 

Last Friday, the team announced that the Vasil hard fork would be triggered on September 22, which means that the Vasil capability will become available at the start of epoch 366 on September 27.

In preparation for the hard fork, DApp projects, exchanges, and SPOs continue upgrading their systems to ensure compatibility. Artano, a community-driven non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace, recently shared a blog post with its key development takeaways. Artano’s testing results show up to 76-77% fee reduction and up to 92% decrease in transaction size.

For the Vasil readiness updates, see the Ecosystem readiness tracker

The consensus team also implemented property tests for the UTXO HD backing store API implementations, benchmarked the anti-difference prototype to increase the UTXO HD functionality, and elaborated a draft specification for the Genesis implementation and ChainSync jumping optimization.


This week, the Daedalus team fixed several issues found in regression tests and released Daedalus v.5.0.0 for pre-production and preview environments. They also ran additional tests in preparation for the upcoming mainnet release.

Development work is ongoing on the Lace desktop features. The team worked on the component that enables the switch between cardano-wallet instances (light and full nodes). They also completed the proof of concept to convert the cardano-wallet API into TypeScript types. 

Finally, they completed work on the adapter that enables light-mode communication with the cardano-wallet.

The Adrestia team released a performance improvement update for Rosetta. They're also working on getting cardano-production-ready. 

Finally, they continue working on the implementation of multisig (shared wallets) and "light" mode features in cardano-wallet.


This week, the Plutus team continued working on the support feature for multiple language versions as well as on testing and documentation improvements. They also made progress on the implementation of Babbage support for Plutus tools and library constraints testing. 

Finally, the team is working on Marconi - a new tool for indexing blockchain information in a database for fast querying. They worked on the Marconi design and planned for setting up the Marconi testing infrastructure. 

The Marlowe team improved property-based testing, removed marlowe-web-commons in favor of purescript-marlowe, and replaced ‘PK’ with ‘Address’ in the specification and Isabelle proofs. They also updated all Marlowe repositories to use Flakes and upgraded the Cardano node dependency to v.1.35. 

Finally, they continued working on the exploratory design of the ‘Transaction Creation’ component in Marlowe. 


This week, the Hydra team created Hydra tools to improve the user experience of running Hydra nodes. They also completed a significant refactoring of the ‘Direct’ chain layer, which makes it easier to maintain the node and prepare for adding persistence to the hydra-node. 

Finally, the team created smoke tests to (optionally) re-use already published Hydra scripts and improved the Hydra node log output for easier reading and parsing. 

The Mithril team has recently released the first Mithril proof of concept. Mithril is a stake-based signature scheme used to improve the speed and efficiency of syncing times for nodes joining the network. If you’re interested to get involved, see the Mithril repository, which is now open-source, Mithril proof-of-concept documentation, and join the Discord channel for more discussions.


The voting period for Project Catalyst Fund9 is now open! Don’t miss your chance to help define which projects receive funding and what challenges are put forward into Fund10. Voting closes at 3 pm UTC on Sep 19, 2022. Please read the voting guide to help you get started for a detailed breakdown of the proposals and challenges.

If you did not register to vote before the snapshot in early August, then, unfortunately, you’ve missed the opportunity to vote in Fund9. You will be able to participate in Fund10 voting by downloading the Catalyst Voting App (Android and iOS) and registering today.

The second workshop for dReps was hosted, where interested participants got a sneak peek at the registration process and the new Voting Center, which is due for release by the end of this year. More information on the workshop will be shared next week.






コンセンサスチームはまた、UTXO HDバッキングストアAPI実装のプロパティテストを実装し、UTXO HDの機能を強化する差異防止プロトタイプのベンチマークを行い、Genesis実装とChainSyncジャンピングの最適化のドラフト仕様を作成しました。


Daedalusチームはリグレッションテストで見つかった複数の不具合を修正し、プリプロ環境とプレビュー環境用のDaedalus v.5.0.0をリリースしました。メインネットリリースに向けた追加テストも実行しました。

Laceデスクトップ機能の開発作業は進行中です。cardano-walletインスタンス(ライトおよびフルノード)間の切り替えを有効にするコンポーネントに取り組んでいます。cardano-wallet APIをTypeScript型に変換する概念実証も仕上げました。 








引き続き、Marloweの「Transaction Creation」コンポーネントの試験的設計に取り組みました。 

Basho( スケーリング)



Mithrilチームは最近最初のMithril概念実証をリリースしました。Mithrilはステークベースの署名スキームで、ネットワークに参加するノードの同期時間と効率の向上に使用されます。関心のある方は、現在オープンソースとなったMithrilリポジトリMithril proof-of-conceptドキュメントをご覧ください。また、Discordチャネルにもご参加ください。


Project Catalyst Fund9の投票が始まりました。どのプロジェクトが資金調達を受けるのか、そしてFund10でどのようなチャレンジが設定されるのか、その判断を支援する機会をどうぞお見逃しなく。投票は、日本時間2022年9月20日午前0時に締め切られます。投票ガイド(英語のみ)で提案やチャレンジの詳細をご覧ください。

8月初頭に実施されたスナップショットまでに登録を済ませていなかった場合は、残念ながらFund9へ投票する機会は失われました。Fund10の投票に参加するには、今すぐCatalyst Votingアプリ(AndroidiOS)をダウンロードして登録を行ってください。
