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Trees & Cardano - Catalyst Sustainability Goals Conference - January 20, 2022

Catalyst Sustainability Goals - Trees & Cardano Blockchain

An event hosted by Cardano4Climate, in collaboration with WADA, Catalyst Swarm, Catalyst School, Climate Neutral Cardano & YOU

"Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people." ― Franklin D. Roosevelt

We ask the question: How can we use Cardano blockchain technology to support forest conservation and tree planting activities?

Meeting Agenda

  • Cardano4Climate & Cardano initiatives (Veritree, Cardano Trees, NFTSeed)
  • Guest speaker: Rob de Laet. Rob works with the Guarajara people, who are fighting off illegal loggers to defend the forest and their uncontacted relatives in the Amazon.
  • Cardano4Climate & Catalyst initiatives (Treedano, Littlefish Foundation)
  • Individual Call to Action Plan
  • Breakout Rooms: (these may change) Veritree Q&A, Treedano Q&A, Littlefish Foundation Q&A, NFTs, Cardano4Climate: Catalyst & sustainability Impact of Blockchain on climate change

As you find your way in the world, come join us for two hours on one of the paths to solving humanity’s greatest challenge, Climate Change.

Discover how we are coming together from all over the world, to co-create & implement sustainability goals, proposals & action plans within the Cardano Catalyst Community.

Learn about the issues contributing to climate change & how the Catalyst Community & the Cardano blockchain can support the solutions.

Meet others with similar passions, connect with what others are doing, & become part of the collective solution. Find the motivation to take action.

Timecodes 00:00:00 - Intro 00:01:00 - Opening 00:05:58 - Agenda & a word from Charles to commemorate Vasil Dabov 00:10:30 - Veritree 00:32:03 - NFT Seed 00:51:09 - Treedano 00:59:54 - Rob de Laet 01:26:47 - LittleFish 01:32:52 - Wildcraft Forest School 01:47:35 - Call to action 01:52:01 - Catalyst Fund 7 Voting 01:57:53 - Closing