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Payment address
Refers to an address used for receiving or sending ADA. Cardano uses a unique address format that differs from many other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. It consists of two parts: the payment address and the stake address, which involves staking ADA to earn rewards. These addresses can start with "addr" and are case-insensitive. For example: ...
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External address
refers to a Cardano address that is used for receiving ADA from external sources. These external sources can include other users, exchanges, or any entity that wishes to send ADA to your wallet. External addresses typically do not expire. User can continue to use the same external address to receive ADA for an extended period. However, for privacy reasons, ...
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Policy ID
is a unique cryptographic fingerprint or hash generated from minting script. It serves as a way to uniquely identify and verify the policy associated with a specific native token or set of native tokens. This fingerprint allows users to validate that the policy for a token adheres to the predefined rules. Policy ID is an integral part of Cardano's multi-ass...
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Asset name
refers to the names of native tokens created and managed on the Cardano blockchain. They can be common words, and creators can choose arbitrary names. Please note that assets with the same asset name are not necessarily fungible; fungibility depends on whether they have the same Policy ID.
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Recovery phrase
also known as 'mnemonic phrases,' is a list of words (usually 12, 15, or 24 words). The words in a mnemonic phrase are derived from a random source of entropy and can be used to restore access to the wallet and its associated funds if the original wallet is lost, stolen, or becomes inaccessible. When you create a Cardano wallet, the wallet software typicall...
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Orphaned block
known as a valid block that is rejected by the network because another block with the same height was added to the blockchain at nearly the same time. The reason a block becomes an orphan block on the Cardano blockchain is because the stake pool creating that block did not win in the Slot battle or Height battles. Additionally, a block becomes an orphan when...
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Stands for "Verifiable Random Function", a cryptographic function that generates random numbers in a deterministic and verifiable manner. It's a crucial component for various applications, such as generating random numbers for lotteries and ensuring secure and unpredictable leader selection in proof-of-stake blockchain networks. On the Cardano blockchain, i...
0 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score

Slot battles
Regarding the production of blocks on the Cardano blockchain, there can be instances when two pools create valid blocks in the same slot. Only one block can be added to the blockchain for each specific slot, so one of them has to be discarded (orphaned block). If a slot battle occurs, the winner is determined randomly. The pool operator has no influence ove...
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score

According to the standard design of wallet addresses on the Cardano blockchain, an initial seed phrase can generate a very large number of accounts. These accounts are akin to individual sub-accounts within a bank account, enabling users to use them for various purposes such as donations, savings, spending, etc...
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score

Referring to the design of wallet addresses on the Cardano blockchain that enables ADA holders to delegate to multiple pools. Numerous accounts can be created within one wallet, and each account has its own staking key for delegators to sign delegation transactions.
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score

Height battles
In the context of the Cardano network, when nodes receive two valid blocks for a single slot, nodes will select the block with the higher slot number and orphan the other. The reason for this is that the SPOs do not propagate the block within the appropriate timeframe. To completely avoid blocks from getting orphaned in height battles, it is crucial for the...
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score

Block propagation
Typically refers to the process of transmitting newly created blocks to all nodes on the network so that they can validate and add the block to their copy of the blockchain. Efficient block propagation is important for the overall performance and security of a blockchain network. On the Cardano blockchain, the propagation time should be less than 1 second t...
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score

Marlowe Playground

Olga Hryniuk
A browser-based tool for writing and testing Marlowe smart contracts. Its purpose is to encourage developers who have no Haskell or Javascript experience to build financial products on Cardano.
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Olga Hryniuk
A web-based platform to build and run smart contracts visually, without needing deep programming knowledge. Marlowe provides developers with user-friendly solutions to effortlessly create, utilize, and monetize secure smart contracts, regardless of their level of expertise in software development.
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Rug pull
A type of scam or fraudulent activity that occurs in decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, particularly in yield farming and liquidity pools. In this scam, the creators or developers of a DeFi project manipulate the system in a way that causes investors or users to suffer significant financial losses.
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score

Double spending
The act of spending the same coin/token more than once. It is a potential issue in decentralized digital payment systems where transactions are recorded on a blockchain or a similar distributed ledger. On the Cardano blockchain, double spending cannot occur due to the Extended UTXO accounting model.
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DAO stands for decentralized autonomous organization. It refers to an organization that operates through smart contracts on a blockchain network. A DAO is designed to be autonomous, meaning it operates without the need for centralized control or intermediaries.
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an individual or entity that delegates their stake or voting power to a stake pool operator (SPO). SPOs are selected based on the amount of ada they hold or "stake" in the network. By delegating their stake, delegators entrust the SPO with the responsibility of securing the network and validating transactions. In return, delegators can receive a portion of ...
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Block header
A data structure that contains essential information about a block in a blockchain. It serves as a summary or metadata for the block and is typically located at the beginning of each block. The block header includes several important components: version, previous block hash, merkle root, timestamp, and nonce (for proof of work chains).
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Block height
Refers to the numerical value assigned to a specific block within a blockchain. The value represents the position of a block in the blockchain's linear sequence or chain of blocks.
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