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IPFS stands for InterPlanetary File System. It is a decentralized and distributed peer-to-peer file storage system that aims to provide a more efficient and resilient way to store and access files on the internet. In IPFS, files are broken up into smaller pieces, which are distributed across the network and stored on multiple nodes. When a user requests a f...
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Flash loan
A type of cryptocurrency loan that allows borrowers to borrow funds without providing any collateral or undergoing a credit check. Flash loans are typically offered through decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms and are executed using smart contracts on a blockchain. The loan is approved and disbursed almost instantly, and the borrower is required to repay t...
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Short for 'Game Finance', GameFi refers to the integration of blockchain technology and decentralized finance (DeFi) with gaming. GameFi combines the principles of cryptocurrency and blockchain with gaming, creating a new type of gaming experience that allows players to earn real-world value from their gaming activities. In GameFi, players can earn digital ...
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The fee required to execute a transaction or contract on the proof-of-work network. On Ethereum, for example, gas is paid in ether, the native cryptocurrency of Ethereum. Gas fee is determined by the network's demand and supply, and is paid to incentivize miners to process and validate transactions. Gas fees are essential to the network's efficiency and secu...
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Genesis block
The first block in a blockchain that sets the foundation for the network. It is usually created by the network's creator and contains unique data defining the initial state of the blockchain. Unlike other blocks, a genesis block doesn't reference any previous blocks and generates the initial supply of cryptocurrency or tokens. In Cardano, the genesis block w...
0 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score

Hash rate
Hash rate refers to the measurement of the processing power of a blockchain network, particularly in the context of proof of work (PoW) consensus algorithms. It measures the number of hash operations that a network can perform in a second. In a PoW, miners use specialized hardware to perform complex mathematical calculations, known as hash functions, to val...
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ICO stands for 'Initial Coin Offering'. It is a form of a crowdfunding campaign utilized by cryptocurrency startups to raise capital for their projects. During an ICO, investors purchase tokens or coins in the project before it is released to the public. This allows the project to secure funds early on and incentivizes investors to contribute by offering the...
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IEO stands for 'Initial Exchange Offering'. It is a type of fundraising method used by cryptocurrency startups to raise capital through a cryptocurrency exchange. In an IEO, the startup partners with an exchange that conducts the offering on behalf of the startup. Investors participate in the IEO by purchasing the startup's tokens or coins directly from the...
0 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score

FUD stands for "Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt" It's a tactic that is often used in marketing, politics, and other forms of communication to create a sense of fear or apprehension among the audience. FUD can be used to discourage people from taking a certain action. The goal of FUD is to manipulate people's emotions and influence their behavior by making them...
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FOMO stands for "Fear Of Missing Out" It's a feeling of anxiety or apprehension that one might miss out on a rewarding or exciting experience that others are having. FOMO can have a negative impact on mental health, as it can lead to stress, dissatisfaction, and a sense of loneliness or isolation.
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AMM (Automated market makers)
Automated market makers (AMMs) are a type of decentralized exchange (DEX) that use algorithmic “money robots” to make it easy for individual traders to buy and sell crypto assets. Instead of trading directly with other people as with a traditional order book, users trade directly through liquidity pools in DEX based on an AMM. Market makers are entities tas...
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Bulletproofs form part of the family of distinct Zero-knowledge Proof systems, such as Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge (zk-SNARK); Succinct Transparent ARgument of Knowledge (STARK); and Zero Knowledge Prover and Verifier for Boolean Circuits (ZKBoo). Zero-knowledge proofs are designed so that a prover is able to indirectly ver...
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score

Zk-SNARK is an acronym that stands for “Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge.” A zk-SNARK is a cryptographic proof that allows one party to prove it possesses certain information without revealing that information. In this general setting of so-called interactive protocols, there is a prover and a verifier and the prover wants to co...
0 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score

Plutus Pioneer Program

Plutus Pioneer program is a scheme to recruit and train developers to write Plutus smart contracts on Cardano. Participants gain access to a set of courses about how to code in both Haskell and Plutus. The program is interactive, with weekly videos, exercises, and Q\&A sessions, along with access to experts in the language.
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Ivan Irakoze
A protocol upgrade to the Cardano blockchain that was implemented using Cardano’s HFC approach. Its objective is to make the blockchain more robust and scalable, increasing throughput and reducing latency in block transmission. The Vasil hard fork combinator saw the implementation of block diffusion pipelining and added reference inputs, inline datums, and ...
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score


Olga Hryniuk
Cardano's solution to streamline the speed and efficiency of data synchronization between applications. Mithril retains strong security settings and its uses include secure voting, data exchange between sidechains, and data synchronization within light wallets. It is part of the Basho phase.
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DCOne Crypto

DCOne Crypto
A Cardano ecosystem interface map showing all projects and DApps on the Cardano blockchain accessible at DCOne Crypto. Explore the latest projects in the Cardano ecosystem and discover the potential of blockchain innovation.
2 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score

PoS: proof of stake

Ivan Irakoze
A consensus mechanism for processing transactions and adding new blocks to a blockchain. Proof-stake validates entries on the blockchain while also keeping it secure and contributing to Cardano's decentralization.
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Omar Rozak
Anzens is a DeFi platform created & operated by EMURGO; one of Cardano's founding entities, that enables Cardano Community to tokenize real-world assets. Launching in 2023, Anzens users will first be able to mint $USDA -- a Cardano-native, fully-regulated fiat-backed stablecoin that is pegged to the value of the US dollar. Moving forward, Anzens will enabl...
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Omar Rozak
$USDA is a fully-regulated fiat-backed stablecoin that is pegged to US Dollars value, minted through Anzens. Anzens is a DeFi platform created & operated by EMURGO, one of Cardano's founding entities that enable Cardano Community to tokenize real-world assets.
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