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Charles Hoskinson at London School of Economics: Cardano’s goals for Africa

Charles Hoskinson at London School of Economics: Cardano’s goals for Africa

Cardano’s goals for Africa and the developing world. Charles Hoskinson addresses packed crowd at LSE. The London School of Economics has a long history of links to Africa. Founded in 1895 four years before the outbreak of the Boer War, the school launched into the debates of the era. Some of the first leaders of newly independent African nations studied at ...
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Cardano360 - February 2022
Olga Hryniuk

Cardano360 - February 2022

Every month, we’re bringing you the latest from the Cardano universe with Cardano360. Here you’ll see the freshest news & feature content from across the ecosystem. With your regular host Tim Harrison, we’re sitting down with guests from the community for a deeper dive. Join us as we take a look at the innovations happening on Cardano.
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Hydra Head Demo with Sebastian Nagel
Olga Hryniuk

Hydra Head Demo with Sebastian Nagel

Here's the latest demo of the Hydra head protocol being developed by IOG for Cardano. Stay tuned for more updates from the team over the months ahead. For more info: read the blog on Implementing Hydra Heads, written by Matthias Benkort see the Hydra Head roadmap visit the public repo
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Cardano Summit 2021: Opening Keynote with Charles Hoskinson

Cardano Summit 2021: Opening Keynote with Charles Hoskinson

Input Output CEO, Charles Hoskinson, opens the summit with his vision for the future of Cardano and the path to financial inclusion and empowerment for everyone, everywhere. Cardano is built on the strongest blockchain foundations, and fuels change – for anyone, anywhere. We’ve created the platform, and in the coming years our community will use it to solve...
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Light wallets: the path to accessibility for all
Olga Hryniuk

Light wallets: the path to accessibility for all

Light wallets will open up new markets to crypto and blockchain innovation. Learn what a light wallet is, why one is necessary, and what features and benefits exist from Alex Apeldoorn and Dan Smith from the Input Output product team.
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Djed stablecoin on Cardano
Olga Hryniuk

Djed stablecoin on Cardano

n this video, we're going to be talking about stable coins and our recent paper "Djed: A Formally Verified Crypto-Backed Pegged Algorithmic Stablecoin". Here in this explainer, David takes us through the core principles and give you a quick understanding of what it's all about. What is a stablecoin? What is the problem that stable coins are trying to solve? ...
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#CardanoAfrica: a vision for Africa with Charles Hoskinson
Olga Hryniuk

#CardanoAfrica: a vision for Africa with Charles Hoskinson

Decentralization, digital identity and using blockchain to address real-world issues will deliver a new future for the continent. Here's Charles Hoskinson's keynote from our #CardanoAfrica event
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How do you explain the mission of Cardano?
Olga Hryniuk

How do you explain the mission of Cardano?

We are Cardano. And if you'll permit us, we'd like to change the world... Find out more:
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Cardano whiteboard; overview with Charles Hoskinson
Olga Hryniuk

Cardano whiteboard; overview with Charles Hoskinson

Developing Cardano is no small feat. There is no other project that has ever been built to these parameters, combining peer reviewed cryptographic research with an implementation in highly secure Haskell code. This is not the copy and paste code seen in so many other blockchains. Instead, Cardano was designed with input from a large global team including lea...
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