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 What is Cardano (for newcomers)

What is Cardano (for newcomers)

Cardano is a decentralized, open-source blockchain platform that was developed and launched in 2017 by Input Output Global (IOG) - formerly Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK) - a blockchain research and development company. The platform was created to address some of the scalability, security, and interoperability issues that plague many other blockchain networks...
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Biggest Cardano NFT Collections

Biggest Cardano NFT Collections

NFTs, digital colectibles of the future, have been on Cardano for almost two years. Millions of NFTs and thousands of collections have been released. But which are the most successful ones - at least in terms of floor price and quantity (marketcap)? Here are the current top 10 projects: Cardano NFT collections by marketcap  Theapesociety  Carda...
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Calculating the number of projects building on Cardano
Kate Tolley

Calculating the number of projects building on Cardano

The Cardano ecosystem has seen significant growth over the past year, with growing numbers of projects launched and developers building on Cardano. Knowing what's going on in the ecosystem is key to building understanding - of the successes, the pain points and how we can all contribute to its further growth. The  Community & Ecosystem Team at Input Output G...
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Getting to a Future-Ready Yoroi Wallet: Part 1

Getting to a Future-Ready Yoroi Wallet: Part 1

Yoroi Wallet is one of the most important products EMURGO has built.  Our cryptocurrency light wallet is the gateway to all other products, services, and features that we are planning including an especially exciting launch announcement at Cardano Summit 2022. However, we do acknowledge that for some time, the performance of our wallet has left a lot to be...
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What IOG has delivered for Cardano. Voltaire: self-sustainability and governance
Olga Hryniuk

What IOG has delivered for Cardano. Voltaire: self-sustainability and governance

Cardano’s development is guided by a methodical, research-based, and deliberate approach to innovation. Over five development phases, IOG introduced innovations, new functionality, and novel features, with each phase building upon the previous phase's achievements. Introduction Chapter 1. Byron: the foundation of Cardano Chapter 2. Shelley: decentralizing...
3 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
What IOG has delivered for Cardano. Basho: scaling Cardano
Olga Hryniuk

What IOG has delivered for Cardano. Basho: scaling Cardano

Cardano’s development is guided by a methodical, research-based, and deliberate approach to innovation. Over five development phases, IOG introduced innovations, new functionality, and novel features, with each phase building upon the previous phase's achievements. Introduction Chapter 1. Byron: the foundation of Cardano Chapter 2. Shelley: decentralizing...
2 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
What IOG has delivered for Cardano. Goguen: introducing native tokens  and smart contracts
Olga Hryniuk

What IOG has delivered for Cardano. Goguen: introducing native tokens and smart contracts

Cardano’s development is guided by a methodical, research-based, and deliberate approach to innovation. Over five development phases, IOG introduced innovations, new functionality, and novel features, with each phase building upon the previous phase's achievements Introduction Chapter 1. Byron: the foundation of Cardano Chapter 2. Shelley: decentralizing ...
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
What IOG has delivered for Cardano. Shelley: decentralizing the blockchain
Olga Hryniuk

What IOG has delivered for Cardano. Shelley: decentralizing the blockchain

Cardano’s development is guided by a methodical, research-based, and deliberate approach to innovation. Over five development phases, IOG introduced innovations, new functionality, and novel features, with each phase building upon the previous phase's achievements. Introduction Chapter 1. Byron: the foundation of Cardano Chapter 2. Shelley: decentralizing...
0 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
What IOG has delivered for Cardano. Byron: the foundation of Cardano
Olga Hryniuk

What IOG has delivered for Cardano. Byron: the foundation of Cardano

Cardano’s development is guided by a methodical, research-based, and deliberate approach to innovation. Over five development phases, IOG introduced innovations, new functionality, and novel features, with each phase building upon the previous phase's achievements Introduction Chapter 1. Byron: the foundation of Cardano The story of Cardano began in 2015,...
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Cardano Node 1.35.4 available

Cardano Node 1.35.4 available

A new version of Cardano-Node was published on 7. November. Node 1.35.4 supports the use of SECP256K1 elliptic curves via new Plutus primitives at protocol version 8. It also includes some CLI improvements, including changing the default ledger era to Babbage for transaction commands. Sign off Cardano Head of Engineering ✔️ Test Engineer ✔️ Site Reliabili...
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Top three reasons the Cardano blockchain may need a stablecoin backed by dollars

Top three reasons the Cardano blockchain may need a stablecoin backed by dollars

Authored by: Keisha Dwyer - EMURGO Acknowledgments: Tyler Wales - EMURGO Originally published on October 24, 2022 Why stablecoins? The Cardano blockchain is an open-source and decentralized blockchain platform driven by a research-first approach. Cardano is considered to be one of the biggest environmentally-friendly blockchain networks in the...
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Astarter: introducing a framework for merge staking protocol rewards

Astarter: introducing a framework for merge staking protocol rewards

There are many reasons for Astarter to develop a two-stage ISPO. For instance, to incentivize both ada and AA staking for Cardano and Astarter ecosystems, incentive reward for participation in the ecosystems, and to create an innovative way to fundraise and invest in projects with minimal risk. As an ISPO distribution method, MSP distributes project tokens ...
2 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
What is SECP and how it drives cross-chain development on Cardano
Olga Hryniuk

What is SECP and how it drives cross-chain development on Cardano

New cryptographic primitives are coming to Cardano to enable secure, cross-chain DApp development Cryptography plays an integral role in the blockchain space, ensuring trust and security between network participants. DApp developers can use cryptographic primitives as the building blocks to create secure transactions containing sensitive data, develop cust...
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Testing Plutus Smart Contracts (3/3)
Oussama Benmahmoud

Testing Plutus Smart Contracts (3/3)

You can check Part 1 and Part 2 under these links: Testing Plutus Smart Contracts (1/3) Testing Plutus Smart Contracts (2/3) \-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To guarantee secure and high-quality smart contracts, rigorous testing strategies should be implemented. These will significantly d...
0 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Plutus Pioneer Program Part 1: Understanding the eUTXO Model and Coding the first Smart Contract
Oussama Benmahmoud

Plutus Pioneer Program Part 1: Understanding the eUTXO Model and Coding the first Smart Contract

The first and second Plutus Pioneer Program lessons are about understanding the eUTXO Model, configuring the development environment, and diving in practically by coding the first smart contract with Plutus. 1- The Extended UTXO Model The eUTXO Model extends the UTXO Model that Bitcoin utilizes. Ultimately, one of the eUTXO Model‘s primary advantages, comp...
0 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Plutus Pioneer Program - Part 2: How to “deploy” a Smart Contract in Cardano
Oussama Benmahmoud

Plutus Pioneer Program - Part 2: How to “deploy” a Smart Contract in Cardano

This blog post will demonstrate how to simulate the execution of a smart contract and how to \*\*“\*\*deploy“ it to the testnet through using various tools. Using the term “deploying” a smart contract is not accurate in the context of the Cardano Blockchain. We will explain the reason behind it later. I will try to break down technical concepts using straig...
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Plutus Pioneer Program - Part 3: How to Mint and Burn Tokens and NFTs in Cardano
Oussama Benmahmoud

Plutus Pioneer Program - Part 3: How to Mint and Burn Tokens and NFTs in Cardano

The last blog covered how to deploy Smart Contracts in Cardano after simulating and testing its execution. Today, however, we have a more interesting part: how to mint and burn tokens in Cardano using Plutus technology and how to write a corresponding minting policy. 1- Native Tokens in Cardano As we may recall from previous blog posts, Cardano’s main dif...
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Plutus Pioneer Program - Part 4: State Machine with Plutus (1/2)
Oussama Benmahmoud

Plutus Pioneer Program - Part 4: State Machine with Plutus (1/2)

State Machine is a crucial concept that enables Plutus DApps developers to write more concise and qualitatively better contracts on-chain as well as off-chain. A shorter code means a more readable code and results in a better software quality. In this blog post, we will present a simple Game in the Cardano Blockchain, and we will implement it with a first a...
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Plutus Pioneer Program - Part 5: State Machine with Plutus (2/2)
Oussama Benmahmoud

Plutus Pioneer Program - Part 5: State Machine with Plutus (2/2)

In this blog post, we will proceed with the Game Example that we have seen in the last aticle. We will refactor the code to eliminate the redundant logic and optimize code using the concept of State Machines in Plutus. 1\. Important concepts related to the State Machine with Plutus State Machine: Represented by the UTXO sitting at the State Machine address...
0 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Testing Plutus Smart Contracts (1/3)
Oussama Benmahmoud

Testing Plutus Smart Contracts (1/3)

To guarantee secure and high-quality smart contracts, rigorous testing strategies should be implemented. These will significantly differ from standard testing techniques typically used in low-risk web 2 applications. Testing in Plutus has been be thoroughly covered in the 8th lecture of the Plutus Pioneer Program. My background, which is largely in softwar...
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