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Weekly development report as of 2023-09-22
Olga Hryniuk

Weekly development report as of 2023-09-22

CORE TECHNOLOGY This week in core technology, the networking team focused on developing bootstrap peers, worked on the node v.8.4.0-pre release, and published the new versions of ouroboros-consensus, cardano-api, and cardano-cli. Work is ongoing on typed protocols; the team updated the future typed-protocols- and their integration with cardano-node. ...
2 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-09-15
Olga Hryniuk

Weekly development report as of 2023-09-15

CORE TECHNOLOGY This week in core technology, the performance and tracing team performed and analyzed feature benchmarks for UTXO-HD and the current P2P stack, made various improvements to the analysis pipeline, and implemented tracing namespace consistency checks along with a curated configuration for benchmarking. Work is ongoing on node, networking, and...
2 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-09-29
Olga Hryniuk

Weekly development report as of 2023-09-29

CORE TECHNOLOGY This week in core technology, the performance and tracing team performed low-level network and high-level variance analysis of the benchmarking clusters. They also worked on infrastructure improvements adjusting workload classification, continued working on machine-readable tracing of the tracer configuration, and Nomad backend improvements....
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-09-01
Olga Hryniuk

Weekly development report as of 2023-09-01

CORE TECHNOLOGY This week, the performance and tracing team concluded benchmarking activities for node v.8.2.1 and worked on the creation of benchmarking setups for GHC9.6 and UTXO-HD. They also focused on infrastructure enhancements, which led to a reduction in the memory footprint of the analysis pipeline. The team merged a new batch of optimizations into...
3 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-09-08
Olga Hryniuk

Weekly development report as of 2023-09-08

CORE TECHNOLOGY The networking team continued working on bootstrapping peers, and refactored networking test suites. In particular, they split those into io-tests, which require to be run natively on all platforms (these tests mostly contain tests that require IO system calls), and sim-tests, which are platform independent. They also started rebasing typed-...
2 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-08-25
Ivan Irakoze

Weekly development report as of 2023-08-25

CORE TECHNOLOGY This week, the ledger team continued working on the Conway era functionality. Downstream components can now utilize voting for delegate representatives (DReps) and stake pool operators. The team introduced new ledger state queries that enable the verification of governance state changes, including vote placement, governance proposal submissi...
2 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-08-04
Olga Hryniuk

Weekly development report as of 2023-08-04

CORE TECHNOLOGY This week, the networking team activated several default traces for node-to-client and node-to-node protocols, which are set to be released in node v.8.2.0. Additionally, they ensured that the cardano-client-0.1.0.x library (used by db-sync) does not use the experimental node-to-client protocol, while cardano-client- remains unaffecte...
3 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-08-18
Olga Hryniuk

Weekly development report as of 2023-08-18

CORE TECHNOLOGY This week, the performance and tracing team finalized benchmarking node v.8.2.0. They also optimized the new tracing system and are currently working on documenting the tracing configuration.  Finally, they improved the Nomad backend to take advantage of the added flexibility of the new hardware cluster. As always, see this technical devel...
4 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-08-11
Olga Hryniuk

Weekly development report as of 2023-08-11

CORE TECHNOLOGY This week, the core technology teams tagged and pre-released node v.8.2.1-pre for use on SanchoNet, which is a new development network created to introduce the Cardano community to governance features from CIP-1694 – and to build and test together in a controlled environment, through a rolling series of regular releases. See release notes fo...
3 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-07-28
Fernando Sanchez

Weekly development report as of 2023-07-28

CORE TECHNOLOGY This week, the core technology teams released node v.8.1.2, which brings updates to the Plutus interpreter.  The ledger team focused on the implementation of Conway features into the ledger. Team members took part in the CIP-1694 workshop and had an in-person meeting discussing further steps for Conway era implementation. They also investig...
2 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-07-21
Olga Hryniuk

Weekly development report as of 2023-07-21

CORE TECHNOLOGY This week, the core technology teams continued working on node, networking, consensus, and ledger components. As always, see this technical development report for more details from different teams. WALLETS AND SERVICES This week, the Daedalus team released Daedalus v.5.3.0, which brings support for the new Project Catalyst registration pr...
5 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-07-14
Olga Hryniuk

Weekly development report as of 2023-07-14

You can read this report in English, Japanese and Spanish. CORE TECHNOLOGY This week, the consensus team working on UTXO-HD discovered a space leak in the peer metrics code which was communicated to the networking team who proposed a fix for it. The team also conducted UTXO-HD benchmarks using a local immutable DB server, which demonstrated promising memor...
2 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-06-30
Fernando Sanchez

Weekly development report as of 2023-06-30

CORE TECHNOLOGY This week, the core technology teams continued working on node, networking, consensus, and ledger components. The consensus team working on the Genesis implementation continued to engage with the researchers, which resulted in various simplifications of the correctness argument for the historical Genesis window. They also decided on an appr...
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-07-07
Olga Hryniuk

Weekly development report as of 2023-07-07

CORE TECHNOLOGY This week, the DB Sync team improved and validated the design of the Conway integration with db-sync. They also improved the initial integration of the UTXO-HD feature branches, which are now being tested, and prepared release v., which supports node v.8.1.1.  Finally, the team made some fixes to their build processes, Docker, devel...
1 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-06-23
Ivan Irakoze

Weekly development report as of 2023-06-23

CORE TECHNOLOGY This week, the core technology teams continued working on node, networking, consensus, and ledger components. As always, see this technical development report for more details from different teams. WALLETS AND SERVICES This week, the Lace team released the wallet’s latest version, Lace v.1.2, which brings new browser support, new ways to ...
2 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-06-16
Olga Hryniuk

Weekly development report as of 2023-06-16

CORE TECHNOLOGY Over the past few weeks, the networking team implemented a new light peer sharing feature, which allows the inclusion of inbound peers into the outbound governor's known peers. This is the primary method for new unregistered nodes to join the network, which can then be shared through peer sharing. Note that peer sharing is an experimental f...
4 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-06-09
Olga Hryniuk

Weekly development report as of 2023-06-09

CORE TECHNOLOGY This week, the core technology teams continued working on node, networking, consensus, and ledger components. As always, see this technical development report for more details from different teams. WALLETS AND SERVICES  This week, the Lace team continued working on multi-delegation scope, completing work on stake distribution reporting an...
4 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-06-02
Olga Hryniuk

Weekly development report as of 2023-06-02

CORE TECHNOLOGY This week, the core technology teams worked on the upcoming node v.8.1.0, which will introduce more Conway era support, epoch boundary optimizations, and new network packages, among other improvements. The ledger team made progress on the Conway ledger era, designing and working on implementing new certificates, and refactoring some of the ...
2 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-05-26
Olga Hryniuk

Weekly development report as of 2023-05-26

CORE TECHNOLOGY This week, the core technology teams continued working on node, networking, and ledger improvements. As always, see this technical development report for more details from different teams. WALLETS AND SERVICES  This week, the Lace team added the capability to the cardano-js-sdk backend to import multi-address wallets (eg, Daedalus) into t...
3 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score
Weekly development report as of 2023-05-19
Olga Hryniuk

Weekly development report as of 2023-05-19

日本語版はスクロールダウンしてください CORE TECHNOLOGY This week, the networking team worked on a new way to switch between root and ledger peers and continued working on Eclipse Evasion. They also made changes to the handshake protocol, improved flaky tests, and added cddl specs for NodeToNodeVersionData and NodeToClientVersionData. Finally, the team improved the CI and aut...
3 up votes and 0 down votes. Total score